Brazil isn't even close to having as much land mass as Africa.
according to how much land: Brazil
60% of Brazil is covered by the Amazon rainforest.
Is controls as much we can buts is about 10 % per year
one dam makes 65 megawatts each in Brazil
cars and humans The above answer is wrong! Deforestation causes pollution in Brazil. They burn the trees to clear land, so much so that Brazil is one of the world's most carbon-dioxide emitting countries.
to $ 50,000 / month X 12 = 600,000
Well, it particularly depends in which state or city you want to buy. Secondly, the price also varies if you want to buy productive land, commercial land or land for a house. Moreover, the land near coastal areas facing beach would be dearer as compared to land outside the main city.
How much does a lawyer make in Brazil
None. Ranchers don't raise their cattle in the rainforest. They raise their cattle on land that was once rainforest, and deforested for reasons either for making more land for more cattle, or more land to grow more crops from palm oil to soybeans.
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Brazil's temperature ranges from 77 Fahrenheit to 104 Fahrenheit. So there you have it. That is how much heat Brazil gets.