Algeria Is still a developing its not rich that much
The national income per capita for Mexico is in the order of US$14,200.
Developing countries are mostly those which have moderate per capita income, standard of living is low and not much industrialized.
In fiscal year 2007/08, as reported in May 2008, Pakistan's per capita income was the equivalent of US$ 1027, which was much higher than in 2006/07 when it averaged only US$ 878. For more information, see Related links below this box.
The median income of the US is $48,387. Among all other nations, the US has the 6th largest median income per capita.
A good income calculator can be found on many banking websites. These can help people find out how much income they need for their current outgoings and whether they need to budget better.
how much does it cost to send a letter from usa to ethiopia
not a lot
Gross Domestic Product per capita. Basically it's how much each person earns in a country.
Data indicates that the per capita water use in Ethiopia is 72 cubic metres/year or about 197 litres a day. this includes all water used for domestic use industry and agriculture. Domestic use is about 6% of their value (11 litres a day). By comparison the average American uses 29 times as much (total) and 60 times (600 litres a day) as much for personal or domestic purposes.
The annual total personal income per capita in South Korea was in 2005: $ 11,463 (Disposable) or $ 13,076 (Gross).(Source:
Because of the increasing debts, there wasn't much of any per capita growth in the US since 1940.