It depends - on the engine capacity (cc)... The current annual figures are...
Up to 150cc - £17.00
151cc to 400cc - £38.00
401cc to 600cc - £59.00
601 and over - £81.00
UK Road Tax was abolished in 1937, so it didn't cost anything. People in the U.K. often mistakenly refer to Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) as 'Road Tax'. The VED for a car in 1964 was £4 12s 0d for four months and £15 0s 0d for the year.
Answer UK road taxyes you can buy car tax in advance in the UK not sure how long but am allways when i want it to start
To drive a road legal quad in the UK you need to be the same age as you would be to drive a car or ride a motorcycle, a minimum of 17 years of age.
In UK every motorcycle used on the road is required to have insurance.
motorcycle insurance, like most other insurance, involves a labyrinth of unfamiliar terms and hoops to jump through when it comes to getting the cheapest insurance. For More:This answer is for UK citizens only.
Tax discs no longer need to displayed and there is no penalty for displaying an expired disc.
In the UK, no one pays road tax as it was abolished in 1937. The current vehicle tax system, often mistakenly referred to as 'road tax', is Vehicle Excise Duty (V.E.D.). Unlike the abolished road tax system, VED does not primarily contribute to the maintenance of road networks. VED is a tax on a motor vehicle's emission rate of carbon dioxide, therefore bicycles are exempt for two reasons: 1) they are not motor vehicles. 2) they do not emit carbon dioxide. That's not to say cyclists don't pay VED - surveys show nearly 90% of cyclists also own a car.
Yes you do. To notify oncoming road users that they should give you more respect.
The same as in any modern country. Road - car, bus, motorcycle Rail Air Canal - but this is slow and rare
Yes, you need a provisional motorcycle license and certificate of insurance at the very least to ride any scooter on a public road in the UK.
too much