The Danish 5 Kroner coin is worth $0.97. The Norwegian 5kr is worth $0.88.
The Danish 5 Kroner coin is worth $0.97. The Norwegian 5kr is worth $0.88.
The exchange rate changes every day - check a currency exchange webiste such as or Yahoo finance. As at 8-Feb-2010, 10 Norwegian Kroner is worth $1.80 Canadian Dollars.
1 US dollar = 6.79028 Norwegian Kroner (February 9, 2009)
Jan-2010 : 100 Danish Kroner would be worth $19.32 100 Norwegian Kroner would be worth $17.62 100 Swedish Kronor would be worth $14.15
I think it is somewhere around 300.000 Norwegian Kroner = 55.000 USD
97 what in Norwegian what? USD in Norwegian kroner? Use Google, i.e. "97 USD to NOK" then click search.
283 million
Danish Kroner or Nrowegian Kroner? Northern Ireland where the currency is Sterling or Irish Republic (which uses the Euro)?
0.99 kroner is worth 0.99 kroner. What do you mean?
What is this paper money, 10 Kroner Danmark worth
As of September 2021, 350 Norwegian kroner is equivalent to about 29 British pounds. This rate may vary due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates.