As of now, the mille livre (1000 Lebanese pounds) is equivalent to around $0.66 US dollars. However, please note that exchange rates fluctuate regularly, so it's best to check for the current rate before making any transactions.
in us dollars how much is 250 livres worth?
What's 1000 mille francs worth in usd
If you are refering to the Lebanese Pound (or Lira or Livre), then 500 Livres is worth 15.41 Indian Rupee as at 16Oct09
Convert 10000 dix mille francs to naira
pounds are called "livres" in Frenchweight: It weighted 3 pounds = il pesait 3 livresBritish currency: it is worth 3 £ = ça vaut 3 livres
It is worth 5 cents In the United States
It is worth two dollars.
The United States banking industry in the late 1990s was estimated to be worth $520 billion