Samuel Prosser received a patent related to toilets in England in 1777.
If the inventor will be the patent owner (rather than a company the inventor is working for), the fees are 1/4 what they are for companies. The complete US patent fee schedule is linked below.
A patent attorney specializes in the necessary qualifications to obtain a patent. To become a registered patent attorney in Canada, one must complete a series of exams over 4 days. There are a total of four qualifying exams. Once qualified, a registered patent attorney is given powers under the Canadian Patent Act.
Patent law derives from the letters patent ("open letters") given by sovereigns to an individual or corporation to endow them with rights, title, or (as in this case) a monopoly. Letters patent date back to 1331 in England, but even in Ancient Greece there are records of creators being granted a temporary monopoly on their inventions.
It was granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorges as a land patent from the Plymputh Council for New England in 1622.
The borough of Liverpool was founded in 1207 by a Royal Charter (or "letters patent") from King John of England.
1832.Samuel Colt first attempted to patent a revolver in the US in 1832. UK Patent #6909 was his first successful revolver patent: it was issued in 1835.1836Samuel Colt's first U. S. patent was patent No. 1304, dated August 29, 1836. This patent protected the basic design of his revolving-breech loading, folding trigger firearm named the Paterson pistol. Previous to his American patent he had been awarded a patent in England (1935) for the same design.1836Samuel Colt invented the first revolver, a gun named after its inventor "Colt", and after its revolving cylinder "revolver". In 1836, Samuel Colt was granted a U.S. patent for the Colt revolver, which was equipped with a revolving cylinder containing five or six bullets and an innovative cocking device.
When a complete application is received by the patent office, filing details are published in the Patents and Designs Journal. An abstract is published after the substantive examination (which can take up to 3 years), and if no opposition is filed within three months of the second publication, a patent is granted.
Malt Loaf originates in England, it was subject to a UK patent in the late 1800's with an American patent granted a few years later. It is fantastic toasted and spread with butter by the way.
Yes, submitting a patent online is a simple process. Simply direct your browser to and you will be able to submit your initial patent. On this site you will also find comprehensive instructions to complete the entire process. Yes, you can submit a patent online. For more information on submitting patents, visit
A patent is a grant from a patent office, such as the United States Patent Office. "Patent Pending" is a phrase that an application for a patent has been filed and is in some stage in the process of obtaining a patent. Thus, a patent can be presently enforced while a patent that is merely pending is unenforceable but can mature into a patent that can be enforced. Once the pending patent matures, the patent owner can sue for back damages or reasonable royalties starting from the filing date of the patent.
There are not training offered from the patent office on getting a patent. The patent office advises you to seek guidance from a trademark/patent attorney. A good attorney is highly suggested by the patent office. As a convenience, they have a roster of local Patent Attorneys.