The currency exchange for Thai Baht to Us dollar is 1 Thai baht = 3 cents about so 100 US dollars is 3302.94 Thai baht.
Bangkok is a major city in Thailand.The currency in Thailand, and thus Bangkok is the Thai Baht (THB).The Baht is subdivided into 100 satang.
As of 21st June 2009: 1 Thai Baht = 1.41 Indian Rupees 10 Thai Baht = 14.08 Indian Rupees 100 Thai Baht = 140.82 Indian Rupees
As of today 26 April 2009 one United States Dollar is equal to 35.3089 Thai Bahts
The amount varies depending on the economy. Currently (Dec. 08) the amount is ~32 baht to one usd.
The official unit currency of Thailand is the baht. 100 satang = 1 baht. The currency symbol is ฿
Thai money is green, pink, and blue in color. It has a picture of a man to the right of the bill. To the left is some Thai writing.
Divide the total number of baht by the current exchange rate e.g. 33.4. You can perform this and many other conversions right in a Google search. Just type something like "100 Baht in USD" and Google will return the answer using the current exchange rate. You can even do more comlex conversions like "100 Baht/kg in USD/lb".
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner & maybe a snack Or a really nice T-shirt or 2. OR ABOUT 10 BUCKS US. 100 baht is about $3.25 US dollars