...What's a royal real? If you mean the current Brazilian currency (the Brazilian Real, or R$) the exact exchange varies day to day. But the US Dollar is usually worth roughly around twice as much as the Real, making $100 worth more or less R$200.
100 centavos são iguais a 1 real.
1trillionis equal to 100 billion
100 000 000
1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.
100 liters is equal to 26.41 gallons
100 millimetres is equal to 100 / 10 = 10 centimetres.
Real is a currency of Cambodia. The smallest value of Cambodian money is 100 Real. 1$ equal 4000 Real.
Real is a currency of Cambodia. The smallest value of Cambodian money is 100 Real. 1$ equal 4000 Real.
100 dollars