It depends on what the current conversion rate is (it changes almost on a daily basis). As of today (August 19th, 2008) it is $1,860.70. You are better off searching for it in Google, as it will convert it for you with the current conversion rates.
1364832.00 US Dollar
$1000 is £824.08
461.16 US Dollar
64.11120 US Dollar
35 pounds is 58.99 dollar..
1 US Dollar is 0.59 UK Pounds.
1000 mille francs = approx 1111 US Dollars
£1,000 is $1,213.50
When the switch was made to the Euro, 1000 lira (not dollars - it translates as pounds) was worth roughly 50 cents U.S.
There are 50 dollards to each US dollar
266710000.00 US Dollar