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Q: How much gold is found in Egypt?
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Was most gold found in Upper or Lower Egypt?

It is!

Was the first gold found Australia?

Not at all. Gold has been known since the time of ancient Egypt.

What natural resources are found in Egypt?

the natural resources of Egypt are corn, gold, and weat.

What is a valuable metal found in ancient Egypt?

One valuable metal found in ancient Egypt was gold. Egyptians considered gold to be the skin of the gods and associated it with immortality and eternity. They used gold extensively in religious rituals, jewelry, burial masks, and for decorating palaces and temples.

Who first found gold?

Egyptian hieroglyphs from as early as 2600 BC describe gold, which king Tushratta of the Mitanni claimed was "more plentiful than dirt" in Egypt. Egypt and especially Nubia had the resources to make them major gold-producing areas for much of history.

What is the desert found in the African country of Egypt?

The Sahara Desert is found in Egypt and much of north Africa.

Did Egypt have gold?

yes Egypt has gold

How much did gold and beaded jewelry cost in the ancient Egypt?


Did the people of kush trade with Egypt?

Many things including gold, ivory (which was used in Egypt and also on the buildings in ancient Rome), ebony and many of the animals found in central Africa

What are the main minerals from Egypt?

Some main minerals found in Egypt include iron ore, phosphate, limestone, gold, and gypsum. Egypt also has significant reserves of other minerals such as barite, manganese, and talc. The country has a long history of mining and is known for its rich mineral resources.

What are some minerals found in Egypt?

Egypt has very limited mineral resources. petroleum is the most important minerals Arabian desert is also rich in phosphates and iron ore deposits. manganese, chromium, gold and uranium are also found in Egypt.

Why did Mali's Mansa Moussa cause the value of gold in Egypt to fall in 1334?

He distributed so much gold to the poor.