A normal iguana can weigh from 4 - 8lbs. In other places it can weigh up to 100lbs
Jamaican iguana, crocodiles, mongoose.
green iguanas usually weigh 50-100 lbs. when fully grown
The average weight of an iguana is 22lb in weight.
The national animal is a bird. The national bird is the Doctor bird.
none...I dont believe iguanas eat any meat...my iguana doesnt...I believe they are strict herbivores....really vegetarians too...because they eat flowers and squash and such
According to Sir Hans Sloan, a physician and botanist who visited Jamaica in 1688, iguanas were once common throughout Jamaica. The Jamaican iguana declined dramatically during the second half of the 19th century, after the introduction of the Indian mongoose as a form of rat and snake control, until it was believed to exist only on the Goat islands near the Hellshire hills. The Jamaican iguana was believed to be extinct in 1948. A dead adult specimen was found in 1970, and the species was rediscovered in 1990 when a live iguana was captured by a hog hunter in the Hellshire hills and a remnant population was discovered soon after. The Hellshire hills area is the only area of Jamaica where this iguana is found.
your gay ignore that they are endangered because that in the old days(1990s) they were usually eaten because they were tasty and it is still eaten up to this day we are trying to prevent to Jamaican Iguana from being extinct
A backbone helps the iguana by helping it move.Without it ,it can move,but without that much support.
A male iguana can grow to over 5 feet long and weigh close to 9 pounds. Female iguanas don't grow quite as large. Maximum length for a female iguana is just a little over 4 feet, and they tend to weigh between 2 1/2 to a little over 5 1/2 pounds.
11,800 Jamaican Dollars roughly.
£20 or less