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$392 max a week

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A maximum of $496 per week.

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Q: How much does Oregon unemployment pay?
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What if your mate will have to quit her job when you relocate to Oregon Will she be eligible to draw unemployment in Oregon until she can find a new employer or is she not eligible because she quit?

Oregon would not be the "liable state" (responsible to pay unemployment) and whether she was eligible when she quit is up to the individual state. Some allow it, to follow the spouse, and others do not.

How much does unemployment pay in Arkansas?

26 weeks.

What is the most current unemployment rates of Oregon?

The most recent unemployment rate for Oregon is 4.8% as of September 2021.

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How much unemployment will I receive a week after baing laid off a 30K a year job?

How much money will a Sgt collecting base pay in California get for unemployment after getting out of Marine Corps and moving to Arkansas?

Your unemployment will be calculated on your base pay.

How much does Louisiana Unemployment pay?

Louisiana maximum unemployement is $177

Will your unemployment pay you as much as your job did?

No - it's less, and varies by state.

How long do you have to be employed in Oregon to receive unemployment?

To receive unemployment in Oregon, one must have worked 500 hours of subject employment as a requirement. The amount of unemployment received will depend on the wages that were paid by the employer.

The car I bought in Oregon is from Washington And has no license plates I live in Oregon How much will I have to pay Washington DMV to change the plates and registration to Oregon?

You don't have to pay the Washington DMV anything. All charges are assessed to the Oregon DMV. You just bring the Washington title to the Oregon office, pay your fees, and that's it.

What is the maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Oregon?