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Nothing. The British pay for the Royal Family.

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Q: How much does Australia give to the Queen?
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Related questions

Who was the first queen of Australia?

The first queen of Australia was Queen Victoria.

When did the first queen of Australia celebrate her first birthday as queen of Australia?

There is no queen of Australia. The Queen who you might call Australia's Queen is more of Britain's queen. So, I reckon it was spent in Britain, unnoticed.

Why is the queen's birthday celebrated in Australia?

The Queen of N.Z is also the queen of australia!

Why is the queen the head of Australia?

Because Australia chose not to become a republic. The queen is head of Australia in Title only.

What types of aid does Australia give to others?

We give this much Aid: | |

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Should the queen be head of statte for Australia?

Yes the queen should be the head of state of Australia.

Why does Australia stiil have the British Queen as a constitutional monarch?

Australia is a constitutional monarchy with The Queen as Sovereign.As a constitutional monarch, The Queen, by convention, is not involved in the day-to-day business of the Australian Government, but she continues to play important ceremonial and symbolic roles.The Queen's relationship to Australia is unique. In all her duties, she speaks and acts as Queen of Australia, and not as Queen of the United Kingdom. The Queen's Royal style and title in Australia is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.

Why is Queen Elizabeth II still on Australian currency?

Queen Elizabeth II is still the monarch of Australia and will be unless Australians decide by referendum that Australia should become a republic.

What country was Queen Elizabeth in when she became queen?


What other countries is Queen Elizabeth queen of?


Where does queen of Australia live?

The Queen of Australia is the same person as the Queen of Britain (but different office) so it would be usually Buckingham Palace