No ! Germany's coastline is to the north, The North Sea and the Baltic Sea make up the coastline.
you can visit the coastline and much more
Rivers:RhineDanubeRuhrMainEmsWeserElbeOderNeisseNeckarMoselleInnCoastlines:North SeaBaltic Sea
Germany has approximately 2,389 miles (3,835 kilometers) of coastline along the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Andorra, Austria, and Switzerland. France and Germany both have coasts.
Germany knew of an incoming attack somewhere on the coastline but they didnt know of when or where it was to be.
Cuba has about 3x as much coastline as Jamaica.
They invaded Denmark and Norway.
Cuba is much larger than Jamaica and will therefore have a longer coastline. Cuba has a coastline of 3735 km and Jamaica has a coastline of 1022 km.
Cuba has a longer coastline than Jamaica. Cuba's coastline is 5,746km whilst Jamaica's is only 235km.
Andorra, Austria, and Switzerland do not have coastlines.