The area of America is 3,794,101 mi2, and the area of Ethiopia is 426,371 mi2.
The difference between them is 3,367,730 mi2.
Tokyo is not bigger than America.
Ethiopia is about 5 times the size of Britain.
Ethiopia is much bigger than Somalia Ethiopia has a land area of 426,371 square miles, whilst Somalia is only 246,201 square miles. The population of Ethiopia is approx 79 million, whilst Somalia is approx 9 million.
Russia is much bigger than America.
Yes. By about 13 times.
No America Is bigger
Yes it is. It is about 1.76 million square kilometres, while Ethiopia is about 1.104 million square kilometres.
Bigger Than America was created on 1996-09-20.
Asia is still bigger than both North and South America combined.
3.9 Million Square Miles. It is bigger than North America, but smaller than South America.
North America is much bigger than pacific tectonic plate.From :Lyssa