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The best way to determine actual value is to search the on-line auctions, such as and or even enter your details in the search and see what is selling and for how much. You can also search the archives and or sold items to get an idea of what your gun is selling for. Another place to look is The blue book of modern black powder values, available from and as well as many of the other hunting and firearm stores. Also available to NRA members on - line for free at That will give you an idea of the general value. Guns tend to have some regional value too, say a Thompson Center Seneca may be worth a bit more in the north east than in the mid west, and a Ruger old army may sell higher in the northwest than the east coast. Don't forget condition has allot to do with value, and with black powder the bore is king. You may have a gun worth for example $500, but the same gun with a bad or rusted bore may only be worth $150 so compare apples to apples.

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