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On the entire continent, there may be 1,000 people who winter-over at research stations.

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Q: How may people live in Antarctica in winter?
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Do a lot of people live in Antarctica?

The only people you can find on Antarctica are temporary workers and scientists who take temporary opportunities in Antarctica. During summer, the population may be as high as 4,000 and about 1,000 in the winter isolation. All people there study the health of planet earth.

What is the lowest population in antarctica?

During the winter months, you may be able to find about 1,000 people -- all temporary workers hired by their governments to work and live in Antarctica in support of the scientific study of the health of planet Earth.

Why do people still decide to live in Antarctica?

People may choose to apply for work and live temporarily on the continent. There is no permanent population, no infrastructure or food chain to support any kind of casual decision to 'live in Antarctica'.

Which is the darkest month in antarctica?

June may be the darkest month in Antarctica, because it is a winter month.

What is the wide belt around Antarctica and east Antarctica in the winter?

You may be thinking of the frozen sea ice of the Southern Ocean, which surrounds the continent in winter.

What is the minimum number of people living in Antarctica?

During winter, there may be as few as 1,000 temporary workers who remain isolated on the continent.

How many people could live in Antarctica?

There are no indigenous people in Antarctica. But there are around 4000 people who live there during the summer months and about 1000 during the harsher winter months.They are mainly researchers or scientists based at one of Antarctica's many research bases to record and observe weather.Another AnswerPeople who live and work in Antarctica -- temporarily -- are hired by governments to carry out studies about the health of planet earth. For every scientist, there are about seven additional people who work in support of science.The scientific work ranges from astronomy to zoology.

What is it called when Antarctica has a long nighttime?

You may be thinking of winter, when there are no sunrises.

What religion does Antarctica have?

There is no national religion on Antarctica, because there are no countries there. People who practice every religion on earth may, however, live and work there temporarily.

How do people get chosen to 'winter over' in Antarctica?

According to the National Science Foundation which represents the United States in Antarctica: In order to work and live in Antarctica temporarily -- up to 12 months -- one must be skilled in either science or support of science, pass rigorous background, physical, dental and mental exams and be willing to be isolated on Antarctica for the winter season. One can sign up for a full 12 months, or only for the winter season or the summer season, each about six months long. Other countries may have different conditions and requirements for winter-over employment or assignment.

How many people travel to Antarctica to take part in scientific studies?

Depending on the season, there may be between 1,000 -- winter population, and 4,500 -- summer population scientists and other temporary workers in Antarctica.

How many people live in Antarctica in the summer?

During the busy summer season, there may be up to 4,500 temporary workers and scientists studying the health of planet Earth on Antarctica.