4 years and 10 months
after her predecessors death, she came out of retirement in 1969 and served as prime minister until 1974.
The US president serves for four years, after which he can stand for re-election one time. The term of a prime minister may depend on the country, but the usual case for the prime minister to serve as long as his government stays in power and not for any fixed term.
she served for three consecutive years
The Prime Minister's term depends on how long he can keep the confidence of the parliament, and lasts up until the next election at most, which is at most 4 years. There is not a limit on the number of terms a Prime Minister can serve.
A Premier serves in office for approximately 4 years, same amount of years as a Prime Minister. Both Canadians Prime Minister, and Premier can serve as long as they want, only if they are reelected.
The Prime Minister of the UK can remain Prime Minister for as long as 5 year and then call an election but at the current time the Prime Minster can call an election at what ever time he wants
Enda Kenny (Irish prime minister) is 66 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1951).
There is no limit on the amount of terms that an Israeli Prime Minister can serve provided his party keeps winning elections and he does not die. Elections must be held within four years of the previous election, but at the convenience of the Prime Minister.
87 times, probably not
The Prime Minister can serve a maximum of 5 years before having to seek reelection That is call a general election. Unlike the USA there is no limit as to how many terms a Prime Minister can stand, providing they get reelected
Brian Mulroney was prime minister and head of the _______ for many years.