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Statistics officially provided in 2009 by the Languages Committe of Europe (LCE) in colaboration with Czech government report the number around 547956 inlcuding nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The articles were skiped.

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Q: How many words does Czech have?
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What does Czech stand for?

Czech is the language of the country Czech Republic. It comes in the Slavik family of languages. It uses roman characters with a few accents, but is closer to Russian in terms of words and pronunciations.

How many males live in Czech republic?

1 man lives in the Czech Republic.

How many square miles is the Czech Republic?

Czech Republic - 30,450.32 square miles.

What what is made in the Czech Republic?

Many things, including - Skoda cars - Becherovka liquer - Pils beer - Czech porcelaine - Czech glass

How many coastal resorts can be enjoyed in Czech republic?

None... The Czech republic is land locked.

How many municipalities does the Czech republic have?

As of 1st January 2013 there are 6248 municipalities in the Czech Republic.

How many airports in Czech republic?

There are three international airports in Czech republic - in Prague, Brno and Ostrava.

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How many times has the Czech Republic won Miss Universe?

The Czech Republic has never won Miss Universe.

Was Czech involved in the battle of Britain?

Yes, many Czech pilots fought in RAF squadrons in the Battle of Britain and even in one almost completely Czech squadron. There were also Polish, Free French, Canadian, Australian , New Zealand South African and American pilots.Yes, many Czech pilots fought in RAF squadrons in the Battle of Britain and even in one almost completely Czech squadron.

How many square feet is Czech Republic?

Czech Republic covers 30,450 square miles or 848,897,280,000 square feet.