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It's not possible to count the words in any language, because there is no universal definition of what a word is. But most estimates place the number between 40,000 and 160,000 words (which is the same range for almost all other languages).

Note: English is an exception. It has the largest number of words of any language in the world, estimated at 170,000 to 250,000 words. No language has more words than English.

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Q: How many words are there in Turkish?
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language or alphabates, mention pls.

Do words in Turkish require the accented characters?

Yes, there are some "diacritical" marks in Turkish words.

What is the Turkish word for lucky?

The Words for lucky in Turkish are "Şanslı", "Uğurlu" and in slang it's "Ballı".

Who or what is Komik Videolar?

Komic Videolar is simply the Turkish language words for Comic Video. One can can find many such videos on YouTube in both English and Turkish by using the search function.

How do you say aunt in Turkish?

Aunt depends in Turkish since there are two words, if you refer to your father's sister she is "hala" if you refer to mother's sister then she is "teyze" in Turkish.

What is the word for days in Turkish?

Day is "gün" in Turkish. Days are "Günler" We add "ler" or "lar" for making words plural.

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Many Turkish people are farmers.

How many pages does The Turkish Gambit have?

The Turkish Gambit has 211 pages.

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Turkish Odyssey has 580 pages.

Where can you find English to Turkish dictionaries online?

An English to Turkish translator is here: You can also type in individual words and see what they are in Turkish. Works for many other languages as well. There are also a lot of other translators out there if you do a search. is also a good place to translate.

Is the Turkish language close to the Arabic language?

No. Turkish has numerous loanwords from Arabic, but does not use Arabic grammar, Arabic base-words, Arabic letters (such as gutturals or emphatics), and retains many unique, Altaic properties such as agglutination.

What are two languages other than Greek and Latin from which English has borrowed words?

English has borrowed some words from Turkish and Arabic words such as Caravan or galosh are Turkish words, of course it pronunciation sometimes changes when we transfer it from one language to another.