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well more than a million people each year

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Q: How many tourist visit Egypt?
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Can a person go to Egypt?

Egypt has a robust tourist trade and many people visit yearly. As long as you meet the countries requirements and have the correct travel documents you can visit Egypt. The fare will vary depending on your point of origin and mode of travel.

How many tourist visit other countries?

More 500000 lakh tourist visit to our country.

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How many people visit the Sphinx each month?

The Sphinx in Egypt receives an average of around 14,000 visitors per month. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt and sees a steady flow of visitors throughout the year.

Why do people visit Egypt to see the pyramids of Giza?

Because they are very historic and very interesting

How many tourist visit Michigan in 2009?

well tourist have been and visited michigan 2000 in 2009

The tourist place nainital situated in?

Nainital has many tourist places to visit, there are very nice sightseeing.

Why is Belgium a good place to visit?

it has many tourist destinations

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What does tourist mean?

A place where tourist wants to visit in large number based on the popularity of the location. My favourite tourist attraction in Montgomery City, Alabama. Its an awesome place has so many beautiful places to visit