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5 times.

3910 BC ± 200 years, 3050 BC and 740 AD ± 150 years, 1815, 1967

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Q: How many times has tambora erupted?
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How many times has mount tambora erupted?

Mount Tambora has erupted three times in recorded history: in 1815, 1880, and 1967. The 1815 eruption was the most powerful, with global impacts causing the "Year Without a Summer."

How many people died when mount tambora erupted?


Which day did mount tambora erupt?

Mount Tambora erupted in 1815-16 April15-16

When was the last time mount tambora erupted?


What was inside of mt tambora before it erupted?


What happen before Mount Tambora erupted?

there was a small earthquake before it erupted. about 12 hours before or something.

How many times has Nevado Sajama has erupted?

it has erupted 100 times

How old is mount tambora?

Mount Tambora was formed about 57,000 years ago. However, the 1815 eruption which caused significant devastation and had global climate impacts, is what the volcano is most well-known for.

How many times has Guagua Pichincha erupted?

it has erupted 13 times! the last time it erupted was 2004

When was the last time mountain tambora erupted?

IN 1815 was the biggest eruptions.Mountain Tambora killed 12,000 people outright and another 80,000 by starvation and disease

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it has erupted 10-20 times