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A little bit less than 300,000,000

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Q: How many teenagers in China?
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Related questions

What do teenagers in China wear?

nothing but cheetah man thongs, and dental floss

What do teenagers do on the weekends in china?

the same thing as you a**hole, fly a rocketship to Pandora

How many teenagers drink drive?

half of teenagers that drink

How many teenagers hunt?

Not many. Most teenagers are too busy talking and texting on their phones. :)

Do teenagers believe in God?

Yes, many teenagers believe in God.

How many people eat McDonald's in China daily?

I would imagine millions just like in the u.s. I don't think anyone has taken a survey. Since there are more kids and teenagers in China, definitely millions more at McDonald's than in the U.S.

How many teenagers in Britain are fat?

2 third of britain teenagers are fat

How many teenagers are on social networks?

There must be Millions of teenagers using facebook.

How many teenagers are pregnant?

Too many.

How many teenagers drink in the UK?

3/4 most teenagers drink when they are out with there mates.

How many teenagers died in japan earthquake?

It is not yet known how many teenagers have died, but over 12,600 people have died.

How many teenagers are in a gang?