45 people:)
Ancient Greece is known for many things, including: Military Power under Alexander, Greek Philosophers such as Aristotle, and the Olympics. It is also well known for its architecture and ancient gods.
Orsuippus from Megars and Acanthus of Sparta are early "named" winners. One of the many named...
Well, the ancient olympics began in 776(b.c)and the modern olympics began in 1896. Both started in greece.
204 Teams
ever since ancient Greece time when Athens held the 1st Olympics and boy did they have OTHER events like spear javalin and bull riding
The many city states of Ancient Greece is basically where modern Greece is.
the diffrence between modern and ancient olympics is that it was not as safe and many were killed in ancient olympics
how many men &women teams have played in the Olympics & got a gold medal
There were 37 gods & goddesses in Ancient Greece
In the original Greek Olympics only men from the city states that made up Greece were aloud to compete in the Olympics!
The number 5 was (and still is in some place) a sacred number. There are many symbols in ancient civilizations that have something to do with the number 5. Olympics started in Ancient Greece and the greeks assigned the symbol of 5 rings to it.