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The technical word for leaving a political organization is "secession", and the verb is seceded. Following Abraham Lincoln's election, "fire eaters" in various states declared their states out of the Union by secessionist conventions and sometimes by direct votes of the people in each state. Before Lincoln's inauguration in March, 1861, seven states had been declared seceded: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. After Fort Sumter was attacked and Lincoln called for volunteers to put down the rebellion, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee were declared seceded. The Lincoln administration never admitted that it was constitutionally possible for a state to secede. When states with rebellion were listed in the Emancipation Proclamation, Tennessee was not included because over half its voters had re-elected members to the US Congress.

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At the time of Abraham Lincoln's first inauguration the United States had 34 states. West Virginia and Nevada were added during Lincoln's presidency, bringing the total to 36.

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i think 50

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Q: How many states where there during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?
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Two states, West Virginia and Nevada, were admitted to the Union during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

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One by one, the seceded from the union and formed the Confederate States on America.

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How many states were there when Lincoln began his first term of presidency?

At the time Abraham Lincoln took office as U. S. President in 1861, the United States consisted of 34 states. That grew to 36 during Lincoln's presidency with the addition of West Virginia and Nevada.

Which situation was the most immediate results of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860?

The most immediate result of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860 was that many Southern states seceded from the Union. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.