380 miles taking this route:Take I-10 WEST, from San Antonio, to U.S. 385 NORTH to McCAMEY at EXIT 273.Take U.S. 385 NORTH to Odessa.
It is 340.90 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between Odessa, Texas and Sanderson, Texas is approximately 252 miles by road.
There are 1025 miles between Dalton Georgia and Odessa Texas as the crow flies.
It is 535.69 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 340.90 miles and about a five hour drive according to MapQuest.
There are approximately 770 miles between Denver, Colorado and Odessa, Texas when traveling by road.
There are about 1260 miles between Madison, Wisconsin and San Antonio, Texas.
328 miles
How many miles from Springtown Tx to San Antonio Tx
Schertz is 22.72 miles from San Antonio via MapQuest's
It is about 197 miles from San Antonio to Houston, Texas.