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There are no permanent human residents on Antarctica.

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Q: How many permanent human residents occupy Antarctica Why?
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Which continent does not have a human population?

The continent of Antarctica does not have a native human population. Although it is home to research stations and temporary residents, there are no permanent inhabitants on the continent.

Which continent has no perminent residence?

Antarctica has no permanent human residence. The only permanent residents are penguins.

What continent is the odd one out and why?

Antarctica is the odd one out because it is the only continent with no permanent human population.

Which people live in Antarctica Continent?

There are no permanent human residents but from 1-5k researchers are there annually.

What do the people in Antarctica look like?

Antarctica has no actual permanent human residents. Most of the temporary population is made up of scientists. The rest are tourists. So most of the permanent residents in Antarctica wear their tuxedos year round and enjoy eating fish.

Which continent is the only continent with no people except researchers?

Antarctica is the continent with no permanent residents except for researchers. The harsh climate and remote location make it inhospitable for permanent human settlement.

What coninent is the population ''zero''?

Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.Antarctica basically has no permanent human population.

What continent has no one living on it write now?

Antarctica is the only continent with no indigenous human population. Although some researchers, scientists, and support staff live there temporarily, there are no permanent residents.

How many countriess does the antarctic circle pass through?

None. There are no countries, cities, or permanent human residents on Antarctica, and that's the only continent the Antarctic Circle crosses.

What continent has the smallest proportion of Christians?

Antarctica, because it has no permanent human residents. All the other continents have many Christians, but not every country in all the other continents does.

Are people common in Antarctica?

Aside from researchers working there, there is no permanent human population in Antarctica.

Name the continent with the least industrialization?

Antarctica does not have a native human population and therefore has very limited industrial activities due to its extreme climate and protected status as a research preserve.