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Over 10,000 I think?Only two of the fearless Jasharles are alive.-That is the official figure in 1999 Today the number of dead so far found is about 3000 some say even lower.
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The Red Cross said that 3,368 civilians that were mainly ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.
International Red Cross listed 2,047 persons as missing from the 1998-99 war, including approximately 500 Serbs, 1,300 Albanians and 200 members of other ethnic groups.
International Red Cross listed 2,047 persons as missing from the 1998-99 war, including approximately 500 Serbs, 1,300 Albanians and 200 members of other ethnic groups.

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Q: How many people were killed in kosovo?
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They are so great people especialy Albanians..Kosovo people are Albanians and they always were !!!

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"Kosovan" is the proper adjective for Kosovo, as regards both people or things. The word "Kosovar" is also used to refer to the people of Kosovo, but not for things.

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As an estimate in 2007, Kosovo had 1,804,838 people as a whole. Its capital had an estimation of 550,000 people in 2006. The density of its capital city, Pristina, is 661 people for every squared kilometer. However, in Kosovo as a whole, has 220 people for every squared kilometer.

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2996 people were killed btw its how many people were killed lol

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there was no 'genocide" in Kosovo .The Kosovo conflict was a civil conflict between the Serbian Yugoslav army and the Rebel "Kosovo liberation army".The Kosovo province of Serbia was largely Albanian and had its autonomy revoked by Milosevic when the KLA started to operate in the area. The total Civilian death toll according to the un to this day is about 3000.There was a mass exodus of Albanian civilians who were victims of Serb counter strikes but also by nato Bombings.In fact over 200 Albanina civilians were killed by nato Bombs.During the Kosovo war the figures were highly inflamated due to the need for Nato to move in.So they propped up the figures to around 10,000 then many officilas claiming that up to 150,000 civilians were being massacred. todays research showes quit different outcomes,there effectivly were war crimes as ussual,commited by all sides in Kosovo,But there was no Genocide what so ever.

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What is the population density of Kosovo Polje?

The population density of Kosovo Polje is 412.8 people per square kilometer.

Who supported Kosovo during the war in 1999 between Serbia and Kosovo?

kosovo is in Serbia so its serbian so why would it have an war against it's own people no Kosoovo it isn't serbian kosovo is free and has peace everywhere so you never can say that kosovo is part of kosovo cause it isn't true Kosovo now is free and hadnothing to do with Serbia and really it never had to do with them

How many people do the United Nations estimate were forced from Kosovo between March 1998 and April 1999?
