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Q: How many people were involved in the Berlin Wall?
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How many successful people escaped the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall Online Website (see link below) lists 192 people as having been killed on the Berlin Wall.

How many people worked on the Berlin Wall?

about 60,000 workers

What effect did the Berlin Wall have on the world?

The Berlin Wall came to symbolize the powers of oppression to many people in the world. It divided a city and split friends and families. People in much of the world saw the wall as unjust and immoral, and many of them rallied against it.

How many people actually went insane because of the Berlin wall?


How many watch towers there were in the Berlin Wall?

there were 212 watch towers on the Berlin wall

How many people were killed or trialed for by the Berlin wall?

Between f100-200 were killed trying to get over the wall.

Why did people want to escape the Berlin wall?

At the time of the Berlin wall it was a bid for freedom from the communist-held East Berlin that drove many to attempt to cross the wall.. finally when the wall was pulled down by the people of West Berlin, the unification of Germany began

What led to construction of the Berlin Wall?

Putting it very simply: the Cold War partitioning of Berlin and the fact that many people in East Berlin were fleeing across the border to West Berlin and freedom. The communist government built the wall to prevent these people from fleeing.

What kind of difficulties sorrow and dangers did it give rise to?

due to the construction of Berlin Wall many people of west Germany as well as of East Germany and east Berlin died......!from one angle it was right to construct Berlin wall as the population of West Germany was increasing and from one angle it was sad to construct it as many people died because of it....!

What did the Berlin wall look like?

The Berlin Wall was a wall of many colors with lots of writing on it.

Is Germany still separated into east and west today?

The Berlin Wall separated the city of Berlin in Germany from 1961 to 1989. Many people thought it was a symbol of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall was taken down on November 9, 1989.

Berlin Wall how many miles long was the wall?

The Berlin wall was 145km long (90 miles) and 3.6m tall (11.8 feet).