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At least 3 million people in the US were directlyaffected in some way by the dust storms or loss of farmland. Several million more were indirectly affected in industrial employment.

In Oklahoma, 300,000 residents (nearly 15% of the state population) relocated during the late 1930s, and some of them, called "Okies," ended up as migrant workers farther west, especially in California.

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Q: How many people were affected by the Dust Bowl?
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How did the dust bowl affect the lands?

the dust bowl affected many crops. They were unable to grow because all the topsoil was blown away.

How many people are affected by dust?

Most people in the world are affected by dust. (Affected = it influences them in some way)

How many people in the dust bowl?


How many people move to California during the Dust Bowl?

Due to the Dust Bowl conditions, about 200,000 people had moved to California by 1940.

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How many animals were killed during the dust bowl?

An accurate answer to this question can not be given. Three million people were affected by the event and data was not kept if the dust bowl disaster was responsible directly for a death.

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How many children died in the dust bowl?

It is estimated that thousands of children died during the Dust Bowl, although an exact number is difficult to determine. The harsh conditions of the Dust Bowl led to widespread illness, malnutrition, and respiratory problems, which particularly affected the most vulnerable populations such as children.

What did the people that were affected by the dust bowl do?

During the Dust Bowl, many people affected by the severe drought and dust storms faced economic hardship and food shortages. Some migrated to find work in other regions, while others stayed and tried to adapt by implementing soil conservation techniques. The government also provided relief programs and assistance to help those affected.

How did people die in the dust bowl?

People did die in the dust bowl. They died from getting to much dust in there lungs. It was a very sad time in history.

How many people died during the dust bowl?

more than 7,000 people died during the dust bowl, not including animals. Of course, why that person mentioned animals in the same sentence has human beings we'll never know.

Who suffered the most during the dust bowl?

The greatest effect of the dust bowl years was on small farm families in the south and midwest. The low farm prices and crop failures produced hundreds of thousands of foreclosures. The worst problems were in Oklahoma, Texas and nearby states, but the dust bowl problems affected a huge area.