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There are no Euthanasia Centers for people at this time.

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Q: How many people travel to euthanasia center?
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How many people have to agree before non voluntary euthanasia is taken place?

there is no such arrangement possible. Non voluntary euthanasia is execution.

How many people are killed of euthanasia in belgian or the Netherlands a year?


How many people committed euthanasia in the year 2000?

aproxamitly 40,000

How many people go through euthanasia each year in the US?

i dont no

Should euthanasia be legalized for the terminally ill?

Many people think so, but clearly there are many opponents as well.

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that's like asking how manylicks it takes 2 get the center of a tootsie pop

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How many people die from euthanasia each year?

About 1,000 edit: due to bombs laid by me!

What is ironic about the euthanasia centers opened by the Nazi?

Painless death.

How many people die from euthanasia a year?

Very few. Less than thousands every year.

How many pets die from euthanasia?

over 50 000 pets die by every year :( euthanasia

What is euthanasia scientifically?

Euthanasia (from the Greek eu = good + thanatos = death) refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner. Many different forms of euthanasia can be distinguished, including animal euthanasia and human euthanasia, and within the latter, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the focus of great controversy in recent years.