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Wyoming cast its 3 electoral votes for John McCain in the 2008 election. The 2008 presidential election popular vote totals in Wyoming were John McCain 164,958 and Barack Obama 82,868.

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Q: How many people in Wyoming voted in the 2008 general election?
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What percent of people voted in 2008 presidential election in Wyoming?

In the 2008 presidential election, the voter turnout in Wyoming was approximately 68%. This percentage represents the portion of eligible voters who participated in the election by casting their vote.

Can you change who you voted for in the primary in the general election?

Yes. There's no requirement that you vote for the same person in the primary and in the general election.

First time a woman voted in a national election was eighteen hundred?

The first time a woman voted in a national election was in the year 1892. Wyoming allowed women to vote when the territory became a state in 1890.

What is the voted general election?

In Britain we have a General Election every 5 years or sooner, when all the members of the House of Commons in Parliament are elected.

How many young people voted in the 2010 UK general election?

The United Kingdom does not record this kind of information about elections. According to Ipsos-MORI, 44% of people aged 18 - 24 voted in the 2010 parliamentary general election, based on an exit poll survey of 10,000 people. The margin of error of the survey is +/-0.98pp, meaning that we can say with reasonable confidence between 43% and 45% of people aged 18 - 24 voted.

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It is a democracy, in which the Government is voted into power by the people during a General Election for a set period (usually 4 - 5 years).

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Three times as many people voted in the election of 1828 as has voted in 1824

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There was no presidential election in 1849. Presidential elections were held in 1848 and again in 1852. Roughly 2.8 million people voted in the 1848 election.

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How did Obama win the election?

More people voted for him.

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55% of people voted in the 2011 state election.

What percent of Americans voted in the 2004 presidential election?

122,267,553 people voted in the 2004 Presidential Election out of an estimated United States population size of 298,213,000 people. So approximately 41% of the US population voted.