

Best Answer

well it depends on how many people are in Italy........i recone about 15 thousone

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Q: How many people in Italy have pets?
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How many people make friends with pets?

lots of people have "friends" that are pets

What is the most common pet in italy?

There are a number of pets that have been quite popular in Italy. Popular pets in Italy include dogs and cats.

What are some common pets in Italy?


How many people are in Italy?

As of 2010 the population of Italy is 60,231,214.

How many people smoke and have pets?


How many people talk to their pets?

It is common for many people to talk to their pets. Studies have shown that nearly half of pet owners talk to their pets regularly, with some even engaging in full conversations. Talking to pets can help create a sense of companionship and strengthen the human-animal bond.

How many people have allergies to pets?

a lot

How many pets are you allowed in Ontario Canada?

The law in Ontario protects pets from abuse, so as long as you take good care of them, you can have as many pets as you like. The main problem with people who have too many pets is that the pets often are not well cared for.

How many players play for Italy?

12 people play for Italy

Is mouse a pet?

Many people, especially children, keep mice as pets.

How many people int the US own pets?

Over millions of people have pets in ze United States of ze America.

Why shouldn't people go to jail for abandoning pets?

Many people cannot afford to take care of their pets or are not allowed to take them in.