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Q: How many nations are in international maritime organisation?
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What role has Australia played in international affairs in the post war period?

Australia joined many UN bodies, such as the World health organisation, international labour organisation and UNESCO which is the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation. Australia has also done a lot of peace keeping.

How many counties not in uno?

The United Nations Organisation has 192 member states.

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Why is English important as a subject?

Because English is so widely spoken and it is often referred to as a "world language". It is the official language for aeronautical and maritime communications. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations and many other international organisations, including the International Olympic Committee.

How many countries in ICRC?

The International Committee of the Red Cross does not have countries as members. It is an independent and neutral organisation. It is an organisation that works in many countries around the world, but those countries are not members.

How many organs are there and how many members are there in united nations organisation?

I dont Know it man u ans plzz :P :P

How did international alliances alliances help to draw nations into World War 1?

there were many international treaties that required nations to to agree to collective defense if attacked. Therefore, once the fighting began, many nations became involved since they had to under their treaty agreements

How many teams play international cricket?

16 nations uptill 2009

How to become a captain of a ship?

The fastest and most efficient way is to attend a maritime school. Their curriculum is designed to allow you to meet the many federal and international requirements necessary to sail as an officer. After that, expect on working for 15-20 years before you are promoted to Captain. Research any of the following maritime schools: # Maine Maritime Academy # Massachusetts Maritime Academy # California Maritime Academy # SUNY Maritime # U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

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Why is the international space station called the international?

The International Space Station is called international because it is a collaborative project involving multiple countries. It was built by a partnership of space agencies from the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, and Canada, among others. This collaboration allows for shared resources, expertise, and research opportunities in space exploration.

What is international financial management?

International financial management is the process of managing a business' finances across nations. Many businesses have to do this because they are global.