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Q: How many mothers in Ireland?
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What did children of poor mothers in Ireland force their mothers to do?


What has the author A McCashin written?

A. McCashin has written: 'Lone mothers in Ireland' -- subject(s): Single mothers, Unmarried mothers, Maternal and infant welfare

What has the author Frank Delaney written?

Frank Delaney has written: 'The sins of the mothers' 'Ireland'

Why did John FKennedy come to Ireland?

His fathers family came from Wexford, in the south east of Ireland and he came to visit the place they came from. His mothers family was from Limerick but he did visit that part of Ireland

What words does swift use to refer to mothers In a modest proposal?

In "A Modest Proposal," Jonathan Swift refers to mothers as breeders, breed mares, and cows. He uses these terms to dehumanize and objectify mothers as part of his satirical critique on British colonialism in Ireland.

Are Irish famous for they stories?

Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.Yes. Ireland has many famous writers and storytellers.

What is the name of the estuary in Ireland?

There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.

What problem does the narrator say poor children cause for Ireland?

they force their mothers to beg, then they themselves cannot find work

Problems does the narrator say poor children cause for Ireland?

they force their mothers to beg, then they themselves cannot find work

Where are the headlands in Ireland?

As Ireland is an island, there are many headlands around the coast of Ireland, too many to mention.

How many nations there are in Ireland?

Ireland IS a nation. There are no other nations in Ireland.

Does Ireland have a island?

Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.Ireland is an island and there are many islands around its coastline that are part of Ireland too.