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Q: How many months do you need on your passport to travel to the Maldives?
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How many months' validity are essential on a British passport if you want to travel to India?

The passport should be valid for more than six months.

How many months on passport to enter Jamaica?

The passport has to be valid for at least 6 months after you travel to jamaica.

How long does your passport has to be valid for to travel to the US?

You need at least 3 months left from the time that you depart for US. But many countries need at least 6 months left of passport validity for international travel.

How long must your US passport have to be valid for to travel outside the US?

United States require your passport be valid for a minimum of 90 starting from your date of departure. However, it is always recommended to have a minimum of 6 months validity when traveling to another country.

How many months do you need on your passport to travel to the US?

I believe you can use it as soon as you receive it in the mail.

What if your passport expires in 3 months are you still able to travel?

It depends on the country you are traveling to. Many countries require that your passport be valid for at least 6 months beyond your intended stay. It is recommended to renew your passport if it's going to expire within 6 months of your planned travel dates.

How many months left on your passport do you need to travel to Greece?

i think normally 6 months need

How many months does an Irish passport have to have left in order to travel?

Britain is in Europe, so there is no passport timeliness requirement for a British citizen to enter the UK. If by Europe, you mean any non-British country in Europe, the requirement is usually six months validity, but individual countries may vary. A VISA may also be necessary to visit some former Soviet republics.