Lampeter to Bristol is 127 miles by road and should take about 2 hours 30 minutes to drive. Take A485 towards Carmarthen to M4, and then take M4(E) to Bristol.
Cardiff to Glasgow is about 400 miles.
The distance between Pentregat, Llandysul, Dyfed, UK, and New Quay, Dyfed, UK is 7.4 miles and will take about 10 Minutes of driving time.
Cardiff's area is 54.17 square miles.
The distance from the equator to Cardiff, Wales is approximately 3,500 miles.
400 miles
About 130 miles.
57 miles
230 miles
About 400
The distance between Cardiff, UK and Abergavenny, UK is about 32.1 road miles.
About 6 miles following A469.