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Subdivision roads aren't the jurisdiction of CDOT. Those typically fall under municipal or county governments, or, in some cases, homeowners associations.

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Q: How many miles of subdivision roads does NCDOT maintain?
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What us state has the highest percentage of paved roads?

According to NCDOT, they MAINTAIN about 80,000 miles of highways, second, only to Texas. That, of course, doesn't include all paved roads such as some that are in subdivisions maintained by HOAs, municipalities, schools, private streets, etc... They also maintain 12,712 bridges which ranks them #13.

What are the countries with the most roads?

1. America - 3,972,801 miles of roads 2. India - 2,393,173 miles of roads 3. China - 1,124,575 miles of roads 4. Brazil - 1,071,821 miles of roads 5. Japan - 731,526 miles of roads

What states have Most miles of roads?

Texas with 303,176 miles of public roads

How many miles of paved roads are there in the US?

There are roughly 4.1 million miles of paved roads in the United States.

How many miles of roads are in Portugal?

Portugal has 42,708 miles of roads, or 62,732 kilometers.

What US state has the most miles of paved roads?

Texas has the most miles of paved roads, i believe it's somewhere around 250,000 miles of paved roads

Do the land owners of a subdivision has the rights to close the dead end of a subdivision roads for security purposes?

The rights to close dead-end roads in a subdivision for security purposes can vary depending on local laws and regulations. In some cases, landowners may have the right to close off access to their private property. However, it is important to consult with local authorities and ensure compliance with any applicable laws or restrictions before making any changes to public roads.

Are roads inside a poa subv considered common areas?

Read your governing documents to determine the extent of the common areas in your subdivision.

How do you maintain roads?

You maintain roads by grading and re-paving them at regular intervals. Holes and damage which occasionally occur are filled in as needed to preserve the remaining surface.

Do counties have the power to supervise and maintain roads?


How many miles of paved roads in US?

There are over 4 million miles of paved roads in the United States.

How many square miles are Manhattan's ROADS?

351 Miles of Concrete roads according to the New York Times Ean