Delft is in the Netherlands and not in Belgium, eitherway Distance between Ghent, Belgium and Delft, the Netherlands is about 170km or a 105 miles
The driving distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Brussels, Belgium is 1 25.82 miles.
The Netherlands borders with Germany (577 kilometer, 359 miles)and Belgium (450 kilometer, 280 miles) and has a coast line of 450 kilometers (280 miles)
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is about 100 miles north and a bit east of Brussels Belgium.
Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Belgium is located on the European continent.
The city of the Hague is about 100 miles north of Brussels. However, although the parliament of the Netherlands is there, it is not actually the capital. Amsterdam is the capital. It is about 125 miles north of Brussels.
Yes. Belgium and The Netherlands border each other.
The five western neighbours of Germany are:- Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands
243.58 miles
165 miles
Belgium: 18 Netherlands: 4