It is 1,644 miles according to Google Maps.
Cleveland, Ohio is approximately 870 miles away from Huron, South Dakota. This distance can be covered by car in about 13-14 hours.
Approximately it would about 130 miles between Faith South Dakota and Pierre South Dakota.
South Dakota is about 383 miles long (east to west) and 237 miles wide (north to south).
It is 397 miles from Sturgis, South Dakota to Sisseton, South Dakota. The trip would take about 6 hours and 29 minutes.
It is 1,273 miles from Pierre, South Dakota to Birmingham, Alabama.
According to Google Maps, it is 143 miles from Chamberlain, South Dakota to Sioux Falls, South Dakota traveling on Interstate 90.
South Dakota has more square miles than North Dakota. South Dakota has an area of 77,116 square miles and is ranked as the 17th largest US State. North Dakota is the 19th largest US State at 70,700 square miles.
The area of South Dakota is 77,121 square miles!
No. South Dakota is larger with a total of 77,116 square miles while North Dakota has a total of 70,698 square miles.
The drive from South Dakota to Indiana is longer. It is 433 miles from Pierre, South Dakota to Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada, while it is 824 miles from Pierre, South Dakota to Gary, Indiana.
976.32 miles. From Shreveport, Louisiana to Elk Point, South Dakota it is 861.26 miles according to MapQuest.