The air distance from Jersey City, New Jersey, to San Jose, Costa Rica, is 2,206 miles. That equals 3,549 kilometers or 1,917 nautical miles.
The air distance from Kansas City, Kansas, to San Jose, Costa Rica, is 2,112 miles. That equals 3,399 kilometers or 1,835 nautical miles.
Atlanta, Georgia is approximately 1,639 miles away from San Jose, Costa Rica. The flight would take about 3 hours and 45 minutes.
One thousand six hundred forty (1,640) is the air mileage from San Jose, Costa Rica, to Atlanta, Georgia. That equals 2,639 kilometers or 1,425 nautical miles.
The direct flight distance is 1,639 miles.
The distance from Columbus to San Jose (Costa Rica) is 2074.6 Miles.
The distance from Calexico to San Jose (Costa Rica) is 2540.7 Miles.
Air distance from Las Vegas, NV, to San Jose, CA, totals 382 miles. That equals 614 kilometers or 332 nautical miles.
what capital city is approximately 200 miles northwest from san jose costa rica
The distance between Portland, Oregon and San Jose, Costa Rica is: 3349.3191685517313 miles
San Jose is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica.
Air distance from Nashville, Tennessee to San Jose, Costa Rica is 1,813 miles. That is 2,918 kilometers. It is 1,576 nautical miles.
The distance from Denver, Colorado, to San Jose, Costa Rica, is 2,423 air miles. That equals 3,899 kilometers or 2,105 nautical miles.
Costa Rica borders Nicaragua and Panama. San José is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica.