It is 146 miles according to Google Maps.
170 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 190 EAST, from Killeen, to I-35 SOUTH to AUSTIN.Take I-35 SOUTH to SH-130 TOLL - SOUTH to SAN ANTONIO off EXIT 265.Take SH-130 TOLL - SOUTH (85 mph at one point), around AUSTIN, to I-10 WEST to SAN ANTONIO at the END of the TOLL ROAD.Take I-10 WEST to San Antonio.
It is 214 miles from Spring to San Antonio.
How many miles from Springtown Tx to San Antonio Tx
San Antonio, TX is 412 sq miles (1,067 km²).
The distance beween San Antonio and El Paso is 555 miles
The distance between San Antonio, TX, and Dallas, TX, is 277 miles.
There are 292 miles between San Antonio, Texas and Vinton, Louisiana.
1715 miles
685 miles
820 miles
325 miles