1077 miles.
Beijing, China is the relevant capital city.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Beijing, China is: 1,307 miles / 2,104 km
There are approximately 1977.2 miles from China to Tokyo.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Nagasaki, Japan is 600 miles.
The distance between Lhasa, Xizang, China and Urumqi, Xinijiang, China is 1657.9 miles. The journey takes approximately 2 days and 4 hours. Xizang is better known as Tibet.
469 miles
9371 miles from Florida to Tokyo Japan
The city located at 36 degrees north and 140 degrees east is Tokyo, Japan.
There are about 5,800 miles between Denver, Colorado and Tokyo, Japan.
There are about 526.393 miles between Tokyo, Japan and Hokkaido, Japan.
Osaka is around 250 miles west of Tokyo