As the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland share a border and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, then the distance is 0 miles. But shortest distance from one shore to another (Ireland to Wales) is around 70 miles.
Distance between both the areas is around 2446.7 kms. Spain is very famous for its good football team. The football team of spain won the world cup also.
They are 923 miles (approximate distance) away from each other.
The air distance from Limerick, Ireland, to Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, United States of America, is 7,001 miles. That equals 11,266 kilometers or 6,083 nautical miles.
478 miles
88 miles
720 miles
109 miles on the A3.
Italy's total area is 116,347 square miles.
150Km / 93 Miles circa
440 miles as the crow flies.
1679 miles
5000 miles
1078 miles
774Km / 481 Miles, by car
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