597 miles
9 miles up SR-18 and 158.
about 92 miles
The address of the New Cumberland Public Library is: 1 Benjamin Plaza, New Cumberland, 17070 1571
It is 125.90 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 126 miles according to Google Maps.
The phone number of the New Cumberland Public Library is: 717-774-7820.
Cumberland Mall - New Jersey - was created in 1973.
The address of the Wilmington Historical Society is: Po Box 174, Wilmington, NY 12997-0174
It is 126.23 kilometres (78.44 miles) in map or straight line distance It is 95.9 road miles according to Google Maps.
New Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church was created in 1842.
The city in Delaware closest to New York City is Wilmington. Wilmington is located approximately 120 miles southwest of New York City. It is the largest city in Delaware and serves as a major financial and cultural hub in the state.