The flight distance from Toronto, Canada to Tampa, Florida is: 1,097 miles / 1,765 km
3228 miles
It is 1,334 miles according to Google Maps.
1,000,000 MILES
Sudbury is about 1,551 miles away from Tampa Bay
The driving distance from Toronto, Canada to Clearwater, Florida is about 1,360 miles 2184km
The distance is 1,458 road miles.
The air distance from Boston, Massachusetts, to Tampa, Florida, is 1,182 miles. That equals 1,902 kilometers or 1,027 nautical miles.
It is 1,306 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 1,285 miles according to Google Maps.
There is a Seminole, Florida 25 miles southwest of Tampa and a second Seminole, Florida 423 miles northwest of Tampa near Panama City.
It would cost approximately $474.00 to fly from Florida to Toronto, Canada. There is approximately 1,009 miles between the two locations.