About 75 miles from Florida to the Bahamas
The Bahamas has a total area of 5,358 square miles.
The exact number of miles from Oklahoma to the Bahamas depends on what city you are departing from. It is 1,360 miles from Tulsa to the Bahamas.
The Bahamas' total area covers 5,382 square miles.
0.004912 miles
There are 2,622 air miles between Los Angeles and The Bahamas.
The Bahamas are in total 110 miles wide, with Nassau, the capital, being 21 miles wide.
It's about 55 miles from Melbourne FL to the coast of Freeport Bahamas.
50 miles
Bahamas is an island country with over 700 islands totalling 5,358 sq miles.
The flight distance from Bahamas to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is about 2,990 miles.
Uh, you cannot drive from Indiana to the Bahamas!