The address of Limerick's Clarion Hotel is Steamboat Quay, Limerick in Ireland. This is the main department of the hotel. It also has a suites which is located at Ennis Rd, Limerick, Ireland.
The distance between Killarney and Limerick is approximately 72 miles by road.
About 69 miles.
980 miles
About 62.
About 223 miles or 359 kilometres.
The distance between Terrell, Texas, and Ennis, Texas, is approximately 45 miles.
It is 254 miles according to Google Maps.
27 miles
25 km (16 mi)
The area of county Limerick is 2,756 square kilometres or 1,064 square miles. The area of Limerick city is 51.3 square kilometres or 19.8 square miles.