It is about 65 miles.
139 miles
74 miles
It is 136.92 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 52.28 miles according to MapQuest.
88.6 miles taking this route:Take I-75 NORTH, from Fort Meyers Airport, to SR-72 CLARK RD - WEST to SIESTA KEY at EXIT 205.Take SR-72 CLARK RD - WEST to Siesta Key.
114 miles
About 210 miles.
138 miles
It is 53.1 miles south of Clearwater and accross Tampa Bay on Interstate 275.
The distance between Siesta Key and Orlando is approximately 130 miles by car, with an estimated driving time of around 2-2.5 hours depending on traffic.
It is 138.92 miles according to MapQuest.