; The distance between Sydney, Australia and London, England, United Kingdom is 10562 miles (16997 km).Flights:
London (LON) to Sydney (SYD)
Flight Duration 21 hours 20 mins
Sydney (SYD) to London (LON)
Flight Duration 22 hours 40 mins There are about 10,600 miles between Sydney and London. Keep in mind that this is the flying distance, so the distance is in a direct path from Sydney to London. The distance is approximately 17000 kms. However flying distances vary depending upon the routing and airways used on the day by the airline concerned. No airline can fly commercial services non stop LON to SYD. An intermediate port such as SIN or BKK or HKG or KUL or DXB must be used. Routing - if you travel one stop via BKK or SIN or HKG the flying distances all vary. Airways - these are the flight tracks used by carriers between any 2 airports and the distances can vary significantly on long sectors where a number of optional airways can usually be selected. A routing LON to SYD via BKK is approx 17080 kms but that is the "great circle" distance ie the shortest point to point. The actual flight distance depends upon the actual airways used by the airline on the day. For example there are a number of different airways that can be selected between BKK and LON and there are significant length variations in these.
The air distance from Sheffield, England, United Kingdom, to Sydney, Australia, is 10,536 miles. That equals 16,955 kilometers or 9,155 nautical miles.
The distance is about 10,570 air miles.
The air distance -- within Canada -- from Sydney, Nova Scotia, to London, Ontario, is 1,060 miles. That equals 1,706 kilometers or 921 nautical miles.
The flight distance is approximately 10,575 miles.
The distance between Sydney and London is 10562 miles (16997 km).Sydney (SYD) to London (LON)Flight Duration 22 hours 40 mins
The distance between Sydney, Australia and London, England, United Kingdom is 10562 miles (16997 km).
Distance is 16,259 kilometers or 10,103 milesLondon to Sydney is 10562 miles (16997 km).London to Sydney is 10562 miles (16997 km).
The distance between London, England and Sydney, Australia is 10562 miles
About one kilometre, over the Sydney Harbour Bridge
The distance between Manchester and Brisbane is 10246 miles (16489 km).The distance between London and Perth is 8998 miles (14481 km). The distance between London and Sydney is 10562 miles (16997 km).The distance between Liverpool and Melbourne is 10575 miles (17019 km).
how many flying miles from London to sydney
The distance from London, England to Brisbane, Australia is 10273 miles (16532 km).
The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 10,562.0 miles approximately.